Transparency and efficiency are the key variables in managing the overhead functions of a transport company
Overheads as an overall term
The term “overheads” embraces all functions of “classic general administration”. In transport companies, these cover a broad spectrum of approximately 40 different individual functions, and they occur in addition to the function-specific administrative costs in the vehicle workshop, operating and infrastructure sectors. Examples of major core functions in the overheads sector include not only commercial functions (internal and external accounting), human resources (personnel management, accounting and development) and training, purchasing and materials management but also information technology (IT), each presenting its specific challenges.
In general, there are several reasons why overhead functions are comparatively difficult to manage, especially in local public transport companies:
We are familiar with these problems from our many years’ experience, and we help you to
IT as an important cross-sectional function
One very important aspect is the design of your IT strategy and IT systems. In day-to-day business there are hardly any processes left that are not at least partially supported or dealt with by IT. As a result, IT has long since become a critical success factor for transport companies as well.
Experience shows that there is a great deal of variation in the degree of standardisation and the integration of the individual systems. However, these factors are of great importance for optimum use of resources while ensuring high availability. There are also numerous other aspects, such as IT contribution, sourcing strategies, IT governance or security issues, which have to be answered when determining an optimum IT strategy.
Thus rigorous IT support for employees and business processes and economic design of processes and interfaces are important tasks which should be given the highest priority.
Our approaches
It goes without saying that when dealing with these issues we make use of not only our many years’ experience and our critical (expert) knowledge, but also:
Especially in the overheads sector, a realistic overview is essential in addition to analytical focus aspects, in order to ensure timely identification of obstacles to implementation and concentrate the company’s strength on what is feasible. For this reason we have no patent recipes and no “off-the-shelf” approaches. Instead we create individually tailored solutions for your company (in some cases jointly with our cooperation partners), taking account of the specific characteristics of the individual overhead functions and the relevant framework conditions.