When it comes to innovations, we help you to separate the wheat from the chaff and to assess them with their effects
We are constantly working with our clients to develop new fields and methods. The focus here is not so much on pursuing short-term trends or fashionable topics, but rather on identifying substantially new ideas and technologies that give rise to long-term changes for entire industries and their companies. As experienced advisors we can help “to separate the wheat from the chaff”, thereby helping management to find the right focus. At the same time, our critical distance from the company helps to give us an overarching view of innovations and their impacts and make recommendations for further action.
To be able to advise our clients, we need excellent know-how and comprehensive expertise. That is one reason why we give our staff time to take a critical look at new topics and methods, independently of ongoing consulting projects. To this end we deliberately seek an exchange of information with scientists and researchers at universities and similar institutions, and we invest extensively in training and upgrading. For example, we are currently involved in the EU research project USEmobility, in which we are investigating questions relating to the acceptance of multimodal transport offerings and the influence of social trends on the use of transport facilities.
In our consulting projects we are taking a closer look at the impact of new drive technologies – e.g. electric mobility – on public transport companies. This also raises questions about the development of new business models and cooperation with partners in industry. Less strategic, but no less challenging: we are also looking into the use of social networks and the opportunities they offer public transport and its players as well as customers. After all, who would have thought that it would be (almost) normal in 2012 for control centre staff to use Twitter or post items on Facebook?