Rapidly changing technical and social trends, demographic change, new forms of mobility, financial crises and their impacts, competition and increasingly complex interfaces between businesses, clients, authorities and owners are only a few of the challenges that the actors in our sector have to find fresh answers to every day.
Other important factors are steadily increasing transparency requirements for the companies and the need to review the adopted operating and strategic decisions in terms of their (lasting) effectiveness, in order to take well-timed countermeasures, if necessary.
Thus, for a successful existence, they need carefully designed, balanced, transparent and well-founded strategies towards owners, customers and market, organisation, finance management, and not least employees, as well as properly structured and intertwined control tools for a strategic (and operational) monitoring.
In the recent past, a technically biased phase has been followed by a very strong focus on legal and economic issues. However, decision makers are increasingly turning their attention once again to entrepreneurial and technical core competencies and to overall, cross-disciplinary optimisation of the system as a whole.
We at BSL Transportation Consultants support our clients in all phases of a strategic process, whether it be by developing visions for long-term orientation, identifying strategic thrusts and objectives, defining specific issues and measures, or implementing a sustainable strategic cycle. Our experience in the sector and our well-founded expert knowledge enable us to ensure that these strategies are outwardly effective and inwardly realistic and credible.